How to Make Personal Posts Into Good Business Blogging

By Tim Berry

This is good advice for any father, any day: Top Ten Father and Daughter things to do, by John Espley on an Accent Inns blog;  but I’m posting about it for its blogging and business implications more than just its content. If you’re a parent, of either gender, and whether you have daughters or sons... Read More »

On Twitter, A/B Analysis, and the Art of Headlines

By Tim Berry

Do you like my headline here, on this post? Can you write a better one? Headlines are critical. I’ve noted that, with some frustration (I’m not so good at headlines) on this blog before, here. Headlines come up today because being in New York last week to  judge the business plan contest gave me... Read More »

Irony: Fewer Words, Better Communication

By Tim Berry

It was sometime in the 1970s when I first ran across the Procter and Gamble one-page memo policy.  I was a journalist then, interviewing an executive from P&G. It seemed to make so much sense. The people who worked there, I was told, loved it. What can’t you say in a full page? Think about... Read More »

Boomer Business Blogger Part 4: You Have to Like Writing

By Tim Berry

True confession: I love writing. I love short sentences, strong words, making myself understood. I think most, if not all, good bloggers like writing. Video people do vlogs and YouTube, poets go to Twitter (say, what?), but bloggers are writers. Almost all of my favorite blogs — I’ve got the blogroll on this blog, rightmost... Read More »

Boomer Business Blogger Part 2: It’s A Full-time Job

By Tim Berry

Benjamin Floyd of Read Click Done asked me after yesterday’s post: “how do you do it?” Two books, 1400 or so posts, 1300 or so tweets in the last two years. “Where do you find the time.” Fair question. Reminds me of Bob Sutton’s Really, I Write it Myself. So do I. Bob thanks his... Read More »

Boomer Business Blogger Part 1: Two Year Anniversary

By Tim Berry

Two years ago this month I started blogging. Just a couple weeks after naming Sabrina Parsons CEO of Palo Alto Software. I remained president, but switched my job to blogging, writing, speaking, and teaching. I guess I should have changed my title to CBO, for chief blogging officer. I didn’t understand at first … “I’m... Read More »

God: I Tweet, Therefore I Am

By Tim Berry

God is no longer in Yahoo! Messenger, but she is in Twitter. Not on LinkedIn, but several incarnations in Facebook. True story: Several years ago I found God on Yahoo! Messenger. That was the year that Yahoo! Messenger first started.... Read More »

Delightfully and Disturbingly Human

By Tim Berry

A blog post calls another very well known and well liked blogger an idiot. That's the title: "So-and-so is an Idiot." A mutual friend tipped me off in an email. I know the alleged idiot in that post, I do... Read More »