God is no longer in Yahoo! Messenger, but she is in Twitter. Not on LinkedIn, but several incarnations in Facebook.
True story: Several years ago I found God on Yahoo! Messenger. That was the year that Yahoo! Messenger first started. She accepted my contact request, but never answered even one of my instant messages. Well, when I say true story, I mean that “God” was a Yahoo! instant messenger address, and I did set her up as a contact. Was she really God? I doubt it.
She’s dropped out of Yahoo! now. Today I sought God on Yahoo! Messenger and got the following:
Disappointed, I sought God on Twitter, and she’s there. She tweets and she answers tweets. (For the uninitiated, Twitter is social media in 140-character pieces. To tweet is to post on Twitter, and a tweet is somebody’s post on Twitter.)
Last Friday a week ago she shared “one of my funnier ‘direct’ messages: http://tinyurl.com/62wusp” … click the link, it is funny.
If seeking God in social media sites offends you, I sincerely apologize. That wasn’t my intention. But if calling her “she” offends you, I don’t apologize for that detail.
I’m wondering, though, what went through the mind of somebody at Yahoo! during the time that God was available in instant messenger. Did he or she ever answer messages? Did it seem irresponsible, or just mischievous, to have that address available? Was it assigned to the first person (deity?) who requested it, right at the beginning?
And at Twitter, the same thing. God answers tweets a lot like the God I grew up with, the traditional Judeo-Christian God. Yesterday she wished all of her followers a happy new year. And how about this one, also from last week:
I tweet, therefore I am
Now I assume that God in Twitter is actually some person, and I’m glad that whoever that is does a reasonably good job at it. It’s quite a responsibility to take on. I think.
I don't use Twitter but I couldn't resist flipping through @god's tweets. Very sensitive, occasionally wise, witty, and even-tempered. Whoever has decided to do it is as respectful as I can imagine anyone being.
(But it still kinda gives me the creeps!)
Your "seeking" God angle cracked me up. Well written.