Video: 50 Entrepreneurs’ Advice in 18 Minutes

By Tim Berry

For a Friday video today, hard to resist. This is an edited collection of snippets of advice from 50 entrepreneurs. I’m not big on following recipes, but these are so quick and pithy they can serve well as food for thought instead. This one if from Read More »

Beware of the Myth of Persistence

By Tim Berry

I worry a lot about the myth of persistence. Persistence won’t necessarily make your business successful unless a lot of other things are also right. And persistence alone can turn failure into disaster. But still, people who should know better—people who succeeded—still talk about it all the time. There’s a logical trick to it. Almost everybody... Read More »

What Business to Start? Look in the Mirror. Depends on You.

By Tim Berry

I’ve always said that what business is right for you depends not on the market, or what’s hot, but on who you are. So look in the mirror. I get a steady flow of questions about what business to start, and I see them almost every day on, my favorite question-answer platform. With this... Read More »

Friday Video: Kauffman Center on Myths of Entrepreneurship

By Tim Berry

Several things that many people take for granted about entrepreneurship aren’t really true, according to this three-minute video offered by the Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurship. It starts with a reminder that it isn’t small business that drives the US economy’s growth of jobs, but rather new business. Startups. And my personal favorite, around 1:40, the... Read More »

Reality Check on Startup Dreams and Clichés

By Tim Berry

My Friday video for today is another TED talk, one of the best from 2015, targeting entrepreneurs, dreams, and getting things done. I call it a reality check on startup dreams, and she (Bel Pesce, from Brazil, successful entrepreneur) calls it 5 way to kill your dreams. How to kill dreams? Expect overnight success. Believe... Read More »

entrepreneurs without salary

Demystify Business Failure Statistics

By Tim Berry

My Friday video for this week is one I did a while back, the truth about all those well-publicized business failure statistics. Most of the clichés we read everywhere are just often-repeated guesses. Nobody really knows.   Read More »

A Good Idea is Like A Beautiful Day. Everybody Owns It.

By Tim Berry

My answer to this question on Quora about ideas vs. execution  “ideas don’t matter, only execution matters”? – has been getting a lot of views. So I decided to repost it here. The answer to this is that millions of people – and I mean that, literally, millions of people – right now, as I write... Read More »

10 Tips for Finding a Startup Job

By Tim Berry

What? You actually want to find a startup job? What with the mythology of startup jobs having low pay, long hours, and high risk? If so, good for you, and good luck to you. I tend to lean towards starting your own, but startup experience first is also a good idea. And with a small... Read More »