Drawing an Audience, The Old-Fashioned Way

By Tim Berry

This was in our local paper, the Eugene Register Guard, "from news service reports:" When Dan Roam wants to make a point in business meetings, he doesn't use Excel or give PowerPoint presentations. He uses paper. In his recently published... Read More »

Kindling on the Beach

By Tim Berry

So my Kindle traveled with me this time, for the first time ever. This was a business trip to Miami, two flights out, two flights back. And yes, there were some off moments, which you can see in the picture.... Read More »

10 Tips from Starbucks Founder

By Tim Berry

Thanks to Bill Brelsford of Small Business Building Blocks for this summary of advice from Howard Behar of Starbucks in his book It's Not About the Coffee. Bill summarizes 10 points from the author: Wear One Hat - the importance... Read More »

Seth Godin’s New Book

By Tim Berry

Anne Handley has a very timely interview with Seth Godin on Marketing Profs Daily Fix late last week, along with a good summary of Meatball Sundae, his latest book. I read the book on a long flight late last week;... Read More »

Plan-as-you-go Business Planning

By Tim Berry

As we finish up 2007 and roll into 2008 I am certain it is time to adapt a new kind of business planning, which I want to call "plan-as-you-go" business planning. This is intended to bring the idea of the... Read More »

6 Traits of Sticky Ideas

By Tim Berry

I've recommended the book Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath before, on this blog. It's an excellent book. The McKinsey Quarterly has a useful and interesting interview with Chip Heath in the latest issue (registration required, but free).... Read More »

Presentation Zen: the Book

By Tim Berry

If ever there were a message the business world needs, it's better presentations, please. Do a quick Web search and you'll find ample writing by several smart people -- you can start with Seth Godin and Guy Kawasaki -- on... Read More »

Watching the Kindle

By Tim Berry

So response to the Kindle is heating up. I ordered one and discovered they're back ordered, not promising to deliver before Christmas. I've seen a thoughtful post suggesting that Amazon will regret not making it a more open system. And... Read More »