I try not to talk about my company or its products too often on this blog, not because I’m not proud of both, but because a little bit of that goes a very long way.
Still, today, I’m proud to post here about the release of the Small Business Administration (SBA) new SBA iPhone app, shown here. It was developed by Palo Alto Software as a donation to the SBA, our way of trying to help small business. SBA Administrator Karen Mills called it…
… another example of the steps we are taking to do a better job of connecting entrepreneurs and small business owners with the tools to help them start or grow their businesses and create jobs.
(You can click on the image to go to the iTunes download page)
The mobile app will help users connect with SBA district office staff and SBA-affiliated counselors and mentors who can provide free, personalized small business assistance. The user-friendly format of the app will help answer questions such as: How do I start a business? Where can I go in my area to get free help with writing a business plan? And where do I begin finding funding for my business?
The SBA mobile app also features a built-in startup cost calculator to help estimate the costs associated with getting a business off the ground, plus an SBA partner locator to help users find SBA offices, Small Business Development Centers, Women’s Business Centers and SCORE.
We’ve been working with the SBA for more than 15 years, through three presidential administrations. One constant there is a lot of people working hard to promote small business through not just the well-known loan programs, but education, information, and a whole lot of problem solving in the front lines. The sba.gov website, with a clean new look introduced less than six months ago, is still the first line of information on small business in this country. And I’m personally very happy to say so.