I’ve had another stark reminder this week: with the way things change so fast, these days. we can never assume that what didn’t work for our business even two or three years ago won’t work now if we try it again.
That’s tough. It’s so easy to get locked in mentally.
I’m thanking my lucky stars right now that I shut up a few weeks ago. I was in one of our regular coordination meetings. As the marketing team shared its doings, I recognized one new campaign as very much like one that had failed spectacularly a few years ago. I almost said that it had failed in the past, and that it wouldn’t work, but I’m not in charge of marketing and they do a great job. I hope I didn’t roll my eyes. I was sure it wouldn’t work.
So earlier this week I saw the results, and it did work; quite well, in fact. And now I’m very glad I shut up in that meeting.
Just because it didn’t work before doesn’t mean it won’t work now. Things are always changing.