I’m so happy to see that the TED site, by far my favorite collection of online talks (I’ve posted several of them on this blog before), picked up this Robert Sapolsky talk. If you don’t see it here, or if you want to watch it in a higher quality HD mode, you can click here for the link to the YouTube source. The TED talk user ratings call this “informative inspiring fascinating.”
This talk is fascinating. Dr. Sapolsky, the author of Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, makes a set of amazing “contrast and compare” points about how we are remarkably similar to a lot of other animals in much of our behavior, but — and believe me, this part is going to make you think — different. His talk is fun, entertaining, and important.
By a stroke of good fortune, I was there at Stanford Univeristy to see this talk when he delivered it (actually last June, although the site says September). I wanted to share it then, and was reminded of it today, when I saw it among the new talks on the TED site.
and isn’t it cool that TED is adding TED MED and also other great videos and inviting the crowd to recommend more videos. Great business model/template to become an even bigger destination/portal for quality videos with an all-encompassing theme.
Now what if you picked one of your passions – say helping small businesses thrive and/or Oregon-centered subjects and created some captivating short videos then invited us (your legion of fans) to suggest and contribute others?
Or, even grander yet, what if we created a networking of fine video portals – yours, mine on (practical, successful) ways to collaborate, Gretchen Rubin on Happiness, MeetingsNet on meaningful ways to meet….
Thanks Kare, really good idea. I’m amazed at how much good content is available in short videos, which is really a great medium, accessible to a lot of people. I’m not sure what the next steps would be, but it sounds very attractive. Tim
TED is the best site on the web. You can also get their videos and audio podcasts on iTunes. I listen to them in the car… haven’t heard a ‘terrible’ one yet.
Amazing, inspiring, humbling, and flat out Cool!