Reflections of an Early Riser

I’ve come to love the early mornings, especially when it’s still dark, but getting light. The streets are empty, and the office is empty. The coffee tastes so good at that time that I should pronounce the "so" in this sentence using three syllables. Today I was in at 6:45, which gives me almost two hours before the office really opens up. My music is loud. My thoughts are clear.

What’s particularly soothing this morning is that yesterday I finished the last of my touches on my plan-as-you-go book. I really enjoyed the process, but now I enjoy being done. I’m remembering how good it used to feel the day after school ended for the year, when I was still in school but too young for summer jobs. That was a good feeling.  And this is a good feeling too, this morning.


  • Bobbi Hahn says:

    I live on a barrier island off the coast of South Carolina, and I often bike to to the beach to view the sunrise, then ride a few miles along the sand, eventually going back home along a marvelous bike path that passes lagoons, tidal creeks, and then a short passage through the woods. It's an incredibly soothing way to start the day and, whatever happens later, it seems to be tempered by how I began the day, and nothing is ever as terrible as I think it would have been otherwise.

    Also, getting to work early, before anyone else is in, gives a jump start to the day. I seem to accomplish so much more in the time before we're officially "open" that I don't know why I don't go in early every day. But then I couldn't dawdle at the beach if the dolphins were out to play, or if the deer were feeding in the woods…

    Thanks for your blogs…a lot of great information, and some hearty laughs, too!

  • Pieter says:

    Hi there

    I know exactly how you feel, when you are in the office before anyone arrives, I love it.
    cheers for now

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