In my post here yesterday I questioned the value of the phrases “game changing” and “disruptive” for what every startup promises investors and few really offer. Right after posting I caught Sramana Mitra’s fun video cartoon here, a quick riff on the similar phrase “paradigm shift.”

Aside from the fun video, I’ve mentioned Sramana before on this blog and I’m happy to mention her again in this post because the world of startups and entrepreneurship needs to be more aware of her 1M/1M program to help people succeed with startups. Sramana’s program, unlike so much of the teaching available for startups, acknowledges the fact that the vast majority of startups make it on their own, bootstrapping, without outside investment. And she tries to deal in that real world, not in the theoretical or academic or high end world in which every startup requires funding by outside investors. The program is named for its goal of helping a million startups get to a million dollars in revenue each.
If you’re curious about that, here’s a link to the program website, and here’s a link to a 30-minute summary on YouTube.