The New JOBS Act, Crowdfunding, and Shoes Waiting to Drop

By Tim Berry

It’s less than three weeks since the new JOBS act opened the door to exciting new crowdfunding initiatives. This could be a sweeping change, an end to antiquated laws requiring startups to get investment mainly from so-called accredited investors. And it could be another deregulation causing a lot more problems than it solves. For the... Read More »

Q&A: What To Do With Those Web App Ideas

By Tim Berry

This is question I received over the weekend via my Ask Me page at I have 3 great app ideas that I think many people will benefit from. I am only 18 and I am absolutely clueless on how I am going to turn my ideas in to a reality…. Any sort of advice... Read More »

I Love These 5 Use-Everywhere Apps

By Tim Berry

What makes good software? For me, the use-everywhere factor is a big deal. I work with a desktop using Windows 7, a Mac at home and a Macbook for travel, mobile phone and a tablet computer. The more my gadgets spread, the more I appreciate the apps that let me get to my workspace wherever... Read More »

Slow and Steady Decline of Trust

By Tim Berry

This trend really bothers me. Even after the FCC rules on blogging and disclosure, I still get regular offers like this one that was in my email this morning. It was a nicely worded email, with some flattery, but here’s the meat: I’d love to put together a high-quality article written specifically for the site. There... Read More »

Truth, Magic, Stories, and the Digital Campfire

By Tim Berry

Do yourself a favor and watch Marco Tempest on this brilliant six-minute TED video. If you don’t see it here, use this link to go to the TED site to watch it. After you’re done, I’d like to tell two true stories that seem somehow related. And before the video, I want to highlight some... Read More »

Q&A: Valuing a SaaS Business

By Tim Berry

This question was posted on my “ask me” page on my site. I can’t promise to answer all the questions I get, but I try, and I’m particularly happy when I get one whose answer might be useful to other people. So here’s a question: Do you have any idea how to value a SaaS... Read More »

What Would You Do About This Facebook Post?

By Tim Berry

Hats off to Inc Magazine for this great treatment of a problem a lot of business owners face. In this case it’s a man named Mark, who discovers: Recently an employee put a photo of the cover of the book Your Company Sucks on their own Facebook wall, titling the entry “Succinct.” To his great... Read More »

Curation is the New Creation

By Tim Berry

I think it was inevitable. First, the web, then blogs. Content is king. Then Facebook, and then Twitter, and social media is real. Long live the king. The king is dead. We’re gagging on all the content. We need curation. We need to gather and collect — call that curate — our favorite content. The... Read More »