The Billion-Dollar Idea Fallacy

By Tim Berry

What is wrong, you ask, with thinking your business idea is worth a billion dollars? That you have the next unicorn? Nothing. We all dream. Unless you let that interfere with reality. Read More »

The Crystal Ball and Chain

By Tim Berry

This is an answer to a question I get way too often. I call it the "Crystal Ball and Chain" problem. I've run into it several times as I've introduced the planning process into a new company or organization. People... Read More »

Do We All Undervalue Bootstrapping?

By Tim Berry

In business schools, in popular blogs, in business publications, and in general discussion of starting a business, we undervalue bootstrapping. We teach starting a business as if every new business requires sophisticated venture capital. I understand how this can be... Read More »

A Good Resolution: Schedule Regular Management Meetings

By Tim Berry

Each year, as you get ready to publish the next year's plan, schedule the plan review meetings. Use some regular meeting schedule such as the third or fourth Thursday of every month. All the managers committed to the plan will... Read More »

Tim Berry Lean Business Plan

Video: Lean Business Planning

By Tim Berry

I was pleased to join Dustin Luther of D&B B2B for this Facebook Live video on lean business planning. Read More »

Small Business Lessons from High Tech

7 Small Businesses Lessons From Tech Startups

By Tim Berry

What can every small business learn from tech startups? David Rose, founder of and long-time leader of the New York Tech Angels, says normal businesses are different from tech startups, and offers small business lessons he’s taken from decades dealing with what high-end tech startups do as they start. He says: One of the most... Read More »

A Pile of Cash

How to Make Money on Your Brilliant Business Idea

By Tim Berry

So you have a brilliant business idea that will be very successful. My congratulations to you. Now read all ideas are brilliant and nobody is going to pay you for your ideas. Are you still sure? All right then, let’s continue. And – this is important – do not even think about getting investors yet.... Read More »

What? Me do a Business Plan? But I’m Not a Start-up!

By Tim Berry

Ask the owner of a small-to-medium company about a business plan. Expect the answer: "Business plan? but I'm not a start-up. Why would I want a business plan?" They don't all answer that way, but too many do, and it's... Read More »