All Good Beards Must Come to an End

I guess this means I’m still an entrepreneur at heart. I promised the team that when Email Center Pro reached its first major milestone, I’d shave off my beard. And that happened today — both the milestone and the beard. This is a team effort, so there’s a lot of team symbolism.  I think it’s good for a company. Email Center Pro has 4,000 users now, so I shaved the beard. So did Jason Gallic, product manager, and Curt Barnes, IT manager (shaved their beards, I mean, not mine). Cale Bruckner, head of product development, is dying his hair blue. Several others are now returning to Dr. Pepper, or caffeine, or desserts, and so on. For the record, I’ve had a beard for almost exactly 25 years, since 1984, about a year after I went on my own with my own company. I shaved it once in 1993, while in Tokyo consulting for Apple Japan. My youngest daughter, then 6, now 21, had a clearly negative reaction to it; so I grew it back starting the same day I got home. And it’s not an easy step to take. I deserve a lot of credit. In 25 years you get used to hair on the face.

2020 Update: That was then; this is now. Outpost has replaced our old email management offering. Planning to use email for your business? Keep it organized with Outpost. 
  • Most teams struggle to manage their info@ or support@ inboxes. Missed messages, duplicate replies, and inbox confusion are common because traditional email wasn’t designed for teams. That’s why we built Outpost: to make your shared inboxes truly collaborative.
  • With Outpost, your team can work together in the same inbox, without sharing passwords or stepping on each other’s toes. Outpost is simple because shared email should be. Team up on email, stay organized and take better care of your customers.
  • If you’re interested, you can start a free trial of Outpost today, or schedule a custom tour to learn how Outpost will help you save time and get more done.


  • AndyinUtah says:

    Congrats on the milestone! Looking good Tim – you gonna keep it off?

  • Anthony Richardson says:

    No way !

    Tim, I never thought it would happen. Congratulations on your success with E-mail center pro.

    Hope you are well

  • Gary Nickerson says:

    Well, I shaved my beard after 40 years because my wife had been asking me to do it ever since we got married 6 1/2 years ago. I did it for her birthday.

  • Cale Bruckner says:

    Blue? Didn't quite work out. I look more like a 6' 6" walking pineapple now. My wife is going to kill me and my kids won't recognize me. Fortunately, it will grow out. ; )

    — Cale

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