Startups and Business Owners: The ‘Have to Do’ Factor is Infinite

By Tim Berry

This should be so horribly obvious: Your business exists to make your life better. Not vice-versa. Don’t live to make your business better. Obvious? Sure. But people forget. Do you use what you “have to do” for your business as the constant recurring excuse for missing things that matter to people you love – soccer games,... Read More »

10 Tips for Saving Your Life From Your Business

By Tim Berry

Your business or your life? The nagging question comes up a lot. Recently I saw this startling statement: Maximizing your chance for success means sacrificing health and family. That was in this post by Jason Cohen on VentureBeat. He’s serious. He quotes Mark Cuban and one other successful entrepreneur. He says you can’t get it... Read More »

Choose Your Own World View. Pick One.

By Tim Berry

Sometime around the middle of last week I published the following quote from Walt Disney: A man should never neglect his family for business Somebody who read that quote followed up by asking me: Yes, it’s possible, but you need to apply common sense too, no? That comment started me thinking. And I ended up... Read More »