Business Plan Toolkit

How did Tim Berry grow Palo Alto software?

By Tim Berry

I was amused to check in with Quora this morning and find somebody had asked me to answer “How Did Tim Berry Grow Palo Alto Software?” Obviously that’s a question dear to my heart. So here’s what I answered, which seems fitting for this blog today. Not spending money we didn’t have Slowly, carefully, bolstered... Read More »

Please Give Me A Step by Step Startup Map, Personalized, and Free Too!

By Tim Berry

There was a comment posted on this blog last week. It’s well-written and touches the heart. It also plays some chords I get to often, worth calling out in a blog post. It starts… I’m a 40-something woman and I want to start my own business. I have a visionary mind and I’m very analytical... Read More »

Q & A: My Advice For Starting Your First Website

By Tim Berry

I received this question yesterday from the ask-a-question form on my website at I would like to create website design for my company. What do I need to do? To start you could search in Google for how to create a website. The good news is that you’ll get good results. The bad news is... Read More »

Family Business Succession 4 Years Later: The Rest of the Story

By Tim Berry

There I was, minding my own business, watching my twitter flow, contemplating my next blog post, when what should appear in my twitter but … well, you can see it here to the right, in the Tweetdeck version: mommyceo is Sabrina Parsons, my second of five grown-up children, who has been running Palo Alto Software... Read More »

10 Blogging Tips. My 1,000th Post on This Blog

By Tim Berry

Last night I was halfway through a draft post patting myself on the back, illustrated with champagne glasses, when my youngest daughter, Megan, called from San Francisco, where she lives now. That’s @MeganBerry to you, blogger and social media expert, marketing manager of So I asked her this: “What do I do with my... Read More »