Business Plan Events and Why They Matter

By Tim Berry

(Note: I posted this earlier this week on the SBA Industry Word blog. It’s reposted here for your convenience.) What do you think of when you hear the phrase “business plan?” Does that bring to mind a formal document that starts with a summary and includes modules describing your business’s products, market, strategy, team, and... Read More »

20 Reasons to Write a Business Plan

By Tim Berry

A list of 20 good reasons for business planning in all businesses, not just startups. Strategy, tactics, cash flow, and lots more Read More »

financial forecasting variance

Why Do We Need Financial Forecasts?

By Tim Berry

Business owners and managers do financial forecasting to enhance  management. Anticipate essential flows of money to manage them better. Forecasting is a necessary first step towards managing plan vs. actual results, which means course corrections. It’s like steering a business. A Quick Example Consider this simple illustration: You can’t identify changes in flow if you don’t... Read More »

Take Real Steps to Fight Sexism in Tech

By Tim Berry

Harassment in the workplace. Sexism. Genderism. Bigotry and prejudice. Brogramming. Not just everywhere, but also in high tech, which – you’d think – should have been advanced past that backwardness. Silicon Valley too. Blue city, blue industry, in a blue state. If you’ve been off the grid for a while, read this from the New... Read More »

What Do Business Plan Financials Look Like

By Tim Berry

People often ask: What do business plan financials look like? You can get away with a sales forecast, spending budget, and cash flow plan. That’s enough for actually running your startup. It’s the essential numbers in a lean business plan. If you want to do it right you take it further and present projected (also... Read More »

Are There Statistics on Inaccurate Forecasts?

By Tim Berry

How often do forecasts fail? How many business forecasts are accurate? Are there statistics on inaccurate forecasts? It’s a good question. It relates nicely to my view that all business plans are wrong, with the addendum, but vital. While I almost never host guest posts on this blog – opinions here are mine – but... Read More »

A Two-Day Startup Fest at Rice Business Plan Competition

By Tim Berry

A portable device to quickly diagnose strokes. An additive that doubles the strength of fiberglass and carbon fibre materials. A new way to use magnesium to heal broken bones. Those are just a few of the dozens of startups I saw earlier this month at the annual Rice Business Plan Competition. This was the tenth... Read More »

How to Protect Your Business Idea While You Build The Business

By Tim Berry

You can't build a business without sharing your idea. Here's how to protect your business idea and still share it, carefully, as needed. Read More »