Life as VP Product in a High Tech Startup

By Tim Berry

My Friday video for this week features a VP of product at a fast-growing high tech startup (business social media), in an interview describing life in one of these startups, how product evolves, and some personal reflections as well, such as a comparison of startup life in San Francisco vs. New York. She’s worked in... Read More »

Startups: The High of Creation, the Wizard of Oz

By Tim Berry

(Note: this is a rare guest post, the third in the right-year history of this blog. It was originally published in Medium as Why We Startup: the High of Creation and the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, written by Megan Berry, head of product @RebelMouse, my daughter. I’m reposting because it captures the thrill, and the... Read More »

LiftFive: My Favorite New Startup Launches

By Tim Berry

(Update: Time passes. This 2012 blog post is obsolete. Megan is now VP product at Octane AI, powering online commerce. Are you looking for real expertise in social media? Megan Berry today announced the launch of LiftFive, her new startup. I wish her all the best on this exciting launch day. And yes, she is... Read More »

Some of Social Media Marketing is Community Management

By Tim Berry

Suggestion: don’t just call it all  social media marketing. Call at least part of it community management. Why? Because words and phrases get worn out. Or they get clogged like a motor boat’s propeller in a swamp. And social media marketing has been worn out by too many people with too many fake names talking... Read More »

Brace Yourself. Success Brings Detractors.

By Tim Berry

It’s funny — well, maybe annoying is a better word — how one of the so-called trappings of success is criticism. Get up in front of a crowd to speak, launch a website, develop and launch a product, start a business, and you’re in front of people. And that means you open yourself up to... Read More »

5 Good Posts for Friday July 1

By Tim Berry

I need your help: Can you suggest a way to give a theme and a title to a series of Friday posts listing good posts and recommended links I’ve seen from the last week? My title here is too dull. I’m not nearly good enough at titles. I don’t want to do this every Friday,... Read More »

A Few Good Posts for a Friday

By Tim Berry

These are some posts I recommended reading this week. My absolute favorite this week was Mark Suster’s 9 Women Can’t Make a Baby in a Month, on TechCrunch. Mark’s Both Sides of the Table is a great blog, by the way. And this is the thought at the heart of that post: Over funding often... Read More »

Proving Again that Business Ideas Have no Value

By Tim Berry

Hold a mirror up to a mirror, and you get some kind of representation of infinity, or something like infinity, intriguing but hard to explain. Just do it. That’s something like what happened to me yesterday with a riff on business ideas. It started with my first view, which is a new website where... Read More »

Is Personal Branding Really Impersonal Faking?

By Tim Berry

Don’t get me wrong: I think the thinking behind it, the advice wrapped around the idea of personal branding, is excellent. I’ve recommended, for example, Dan Schawbel’s personal branding book Me 2.0 and I’m sticking to it. Dan has a great collection of real-world suggestions in that book. But I’m beginning to think I hate... Read More »

10 Blogging Tips. My 1,000th Post on This Blog

By Tim Berry

Last night I was halfway through a draft post patting myself on the back, illustrated with champagne glasses, when my youngest daughter, Megan, called from San Francisco, where she lives now. That’s @MeganBerry to you, blogger and social media expert, marketing manager of So I asked her this: “What do I do with my... Read More »