Can Stories be True When They’re False?

By Tim Berry

So it turns out that Jenny whiteboard quitting was a hoax. The Jet Blue guy with the chute exit and the beer wasn’t. I posted about both of them here Wednesday. You can read in that post that I suspected Jenny was fiction. I said so then, and I hedged my bets. The two brothers... Read More »

Journalism and Blogging: Both Sides Now

By Tim Berry

Jolie O’Dell is a journalist who blogs. She cares about journalism, I gather, because of the way she writes about it in posts like How to Tell a journalist from a Blogger and Not all bloggers are journalists and not all journalists are jerks on her own blog. Most of the time, though, she’s a... Read More »

With or Without Paper, the News Lives On. I hope.

By Tim Berry

As the newspaper business seems to die slowly, I console myself with the idea that journalism isn’t dying with it. The Huffington Post is booming. The New York Times will bring in about $350 million this year. The new iPad shows us how we can spread the paper in front of us with coffee and... Read More »

On Twitter, A/B Analysis, and the Art of Headlines

By Tim Berry

Do you like my headline here, on this post? Can you write a better one? Headlines are critical. I’ve noted that, with some frustration (I’m not so good at headlines) on this blog before, here. Headlines come up today because being in New York last week to  judge the business plan contest gave me... Read More »

Gee, You Had to Pay $2, Once, to Get News?

By Tim Berry

Interesting juxtaposition: while much of the world worries about where we get real news, and particularly investigative reporting, iPhone users are up in arms about CNN charging less than $2, once, for an iPhone app that includes ads. Megan Berry posted Do You Get What You Pay For? yesterday on the Huffington Post: CNN’s new... Read More »

FTC vs. Social Media Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

By Tim Berry

Here I was writing this post about new FTC rules for social media, feeling self-righteous about it, when it occurred to me that gives me a free stock photos account, which I use to illustrate this blog. And I’m an affiliate. I accept review copies of books, some of which I’ve reviewed here... Read More »

Who Should Decide What News Matters?

By Tim Berry

Back in the old days editors decided what was news. Not advertisers and not readers. There was this concept called “news values.” Full-time professionals laid out the front page. They tried to highlight important political, economic, and social trends, coverage deemed important, rather than celebrities, fashions, nudity, and violence. This was a long time ago.... Read More »

Journalism, TechCrunch, Stolen Information

By Tim Berry

This — the TechCrunch publishes stolen information flap last week — is why I worry about the gradual disappearance of Journalism as newspapers and traditional advertising disappear. You may or may not have read about it. Somebody stole documents from Twitter’s computer and sent them to TechCrunch. They stole more than 300 memos, presentations, projections,... Read More »